Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our new CA addition

So, once again, it has been a while since we have posted. We have been busy! Doing what, exactly, I am not sure I could say. I frankly don’t even remember what we did a few weekends back. We haven’t done any huge adventures lately- though we are still making sure to try one new thing every weekend.

Our biggest news is our new addition- Lucy! Some very wise woman said to me that some of the best decisions are those that are not well thought out. Well, let’s hope this is the case, as this decision was not thought out AT ALL. We were looking for fish. Darn adoption agency. We walked by and were sucked in. Ok- I was sucked in. Jeff wanted to keep walking, but I couldn’t! There she was- my little chi-weenie. She’s a tiny little thing- she makes Sammy look like a giant. She is incredibly well behaved for a new dog, and she and Sammy are doing just fine together. Her favorite thing is to find a lap- any lap will do- and climb on in. Jeff looks fantastic walking this little tiny thing into his office with her hot pink leash and harness. And it really is too bad for him that he is married, as she is a little chick magnet! It is definitely different having two dogs in the house, but, really, everything else is different- why not this too!

So since Lucy has been around, we have been trying to do dog friendly things. The day after we got here, we headed to a new beach in Santa Cruz that allows dogs. It was a great spot- lots of seals and sea otters right off the beach. And not crowded at all. One thing I think is pretty funny is that we are East Coast beach folks- we get up early to arrive early before it gets too hot or crowded, then leave right after lunch. Here, of course, this means we are almost the only ones on the beach when we get there as it is still crazy foggy and chilly. And we leave as the fog lifts and everyone else is arriving. Doesn’t matter- we burn in the hot sun, and Ellie is afraid of the water, so it all works!

This past weekend we had a great picnic at Vasona Park in Los Gatos. Such a great park- a lake, lots of open spaces, the Los Gatos Creek Trail, and a train and carousel for Ellie. All dog friendly! We set up a tent, walked the dogs, relaxed, ate, rode the train, then headed home. A wonderful day to spend the day, and all went home tired.

We have now been back from our last trip East for over a month. Life is normal now- we have our routine, places we like to go, etc, but we are missing family and friends. Ellie had our first playdate today since we got back in August. Happily, we have Jeff’s parents coming for a visit on Friday, which will be great. Ellie is very excited to see Nana and Grandpa, and I think Jeff and I are looking forward to being around our family again. We are so used to regular visits to both sides, so to even go this long is odd for us.

Our next update will be full of new adventures as we have some good ones planned for Nana and Grandpa. We will also have had house guests for quite some time, which will also be a new experience for us! And, finally, hopefully we will have CA license plates on BOTH cars after our 6th trip to the DMV. Keep your fingers crossed for us!!!

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