Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The vacation that never ends

I feel like we are on vacation. But we can’t go home. It has been all of 4 days since we arrived in the Bay area, and while we are all doing well, we are in this weird state of limbo while we wait to move into our new home.

I will backtrack a bit.... Leaving on Saturday was hard. Really hard. A lot of tears. But we made it to CA in one piece- even with what felt like 32 bags (all underweight, by the way!!). 

We got to our temporary condo and crashed. Sunday we went to visit the house. Now, for those of you who don’t know, Jeff rented this house without me seeing it. There was a considerable amount of stress on both our parts to see if I would find the place acceptable! It is a good house- great location, plenty of space. But it is outdated and pretty beat up. Wandering through, I was reminded of the condition of my Boston apartments- really old kitchen cabinets, sketchy bathtub, questionable appliances. The plan is a good steam clean and a coat of paint. Add in our stuff, some rugs, and some personality, and I think it will work just fine.

Jeff headed off to work on the bus on Monday morning, leaving E and I to entertain ourselves on a rainy day. We have done just fine finding things to do- there is plenty around here to keep us busy for months. As we explore, I am realizing how different life here is from our very small little town of Norfolk. Four lane roads through residential areas, strip malls and plazas pop up everywhere, teeny tiny little yards and one story homes, palm trees, etc, etc, etc. We are basically living in urban sprawl after spending years in the suburbs. On the upside, everything is really close!

Our cars and belongings will supposedly arrive sometime next week- ending this vacation with no end. The longer we are here, the less foreign everything seems, so hopefully having a real home base will ease the transition even more. Of course, once the stuff arrives, it becomes VERY real that we aren’t going back to our beautiful house with the big beautiful yard. Sigh.... the fun continues!! 

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