Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Eagle Has Landed...

Well, we've made it into our house.  Barely, but we are you can see it's pretty much a mess but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day right?

So we've spent the last few days unpacking like crazy with Jess carrying a heavy load during the week and me helping at night.  Crazy stuff, what's crazier is we actually really thinned out our crap...yet we still have a ton. will all be unpacked soon and then life will start to feel normal.

In the meantime, we've been trying to have some fun.  We went to a little bbq/pool party on the 4th of July and then finished off the night w/ Patriotic Sundays.  That's right, with ReddiWip.....needless to say there were a lot of Beastie Boy quotes coming out of my mouth.

On Saturday we went for a day trip to the Monterey Aquarium, which is really cool.  We had a blast, checked out a ton of stuff, bought a "membership" so we plan on going there a ton and then drove up the coast to check things out.

Throw in a Bday Party for Jess with Jodi/Brad and it's been a REALLY busy week.  Hopefully we'll be close to unpacked soon and then off to Oakland this weekend for the Sox/A's game.

More soon!
